Anywhoo...I'm going along playing the role of cheerful servant all the while mulling over in my head the same thing I mull over 99.9% of my day; "So what IS IT EXACTLY that I want my life's work to be? What was I put here to do?" I get an epiphany. It's one I've had before but came on especially strong at the soda fountain tonight. "I want to work with kids. Yes, I definitely want to work with kids on expressing their creativity, building their self confidence, doing art projects. I can incorporate yoga, movement, and breathing exercises! I will have a
really cool office and it will be amazing!" I get really excited about this and get all warm and fuzzy inside. I start heading to the back of the kitchen to grab some rags to wipe down a counter where I encounter one of the chefs's sons playing with a ginormous nurf gun. I smile at him when suddenly he aims his gun at me with a calculating 11 yr. old grin on his face. He fires, narrowly hitting me in my face. "Roberts, don't shoot me with that thing, o.k.? I mean it. " He proceeds to stick his tongue out at me and smirk then aiming the nerf gun at me again. "Who cares?!" He shouts in a bratty, and antagonizing tone. "I do. I'm trying to work and I don't want to be plowed in the face with a plastic suction cup." I am so irritated with this boy that I become aghast at myself. "Oh shit. Maybe I'm not cut out to work with kids" I think to myself. A few minutes later I talk myself down. "Well maybe this is the Universe's way of saying 'Yes. This will be challenging, but yes'."